We are aware of a current issue preventing the display of Live Streaming overlays within NV Play Pro Cricket Scorer/Play Cricket Scorer Pro, even though all the settings within the software are correct. We have recently (June 2022) traced this problem to OneDrive syncing, which is overwriting the video/live streaming configuration files in the C:\Documents\Cricket Matches folder and thus preventing the display of the overlays.
We are working on a permanent fix for this, to be deployed in the next release (end of June 2022 for Play Cricket Scorer Pro and to be confirmed for the other NV Play Pro Cricket Scorer platforms), but in the meantime users who have One Drive syncing enabled AND NV Play Pro Cricket Scorer/Play Cricket Scorer Pro's Tools -> Configuration -> General -> Match Folder set to "C:\Users\*username*\Documents\Cricket Matches" (which is a OneDrive syncing location) should:
- With NV Play PCS/PCS Pro open, copy/move this local "Documents\Cricket Matches" folder to a non-OneDrive synced location, e.g. just "C:\" to create a new "C:\Cricket Matches" folder (containing all existing matches)
- Use the Tools -> Configuration -> General -> Match Folder -> Browse button to select this new "C:\Cricket Matches" folder (to which all future matches will be saved)
- Close NV Play PCS/PCS Pro and, if copied rather than moved above, delete the old Documents\Cricket Matches folder
- Re-open NV Play PCS/PCS Pro and confirm that the new Match Folder has been saved correctly via Tools -> Configuration -> General -> Match Folder
By being a non-synced location, this will prevent OneDrive syncing overwriting the video configuration files also contained within this folder.
When the permanent fix is released, this Cricket Matches folder will be retained (i.e., where existing match data, video, and the _Media folder for live streaming/replay screen assets is stored) but the various other configuration files will be automatically moved to a local App Data file to further protect these from OneDrive syncing.
NB: Please also see https://support.nvplay.com/hc/en-gb/articles/7423238109209-Adding-PCS-Pro-NV-Play-Pro-Cricket-Scorer-to-your-Anti-Virus-exclusions as Anti Virus may also be preventing live streaming score overlays from displaying