After setting-up Play-Cricket Scorer Pro/NV Play Pro Cricket Scorer so that it is outputting to the Video Scoreboard/Replay Screen (as per, use the instructions in this document to make the most of this feature for in-venue spectators, teams, and officials. In addition to having the Main Scoreboard panel (which shows what is being output to the Video Scoreboard/Replay Screen) visible on the main PCS Pro/NV Play PCS layout, also open the View -> Scoreboard -> Replay Screen Control panel, i.e.:


Note that this panel can be re-sized and/or re-located as usual and embedded into the main layout or attached to a sidebar, by clicking on the pin icon at top-right, for easy showing and hiding when required. The Replay Screen Control panel’s many buttons correspond to pre-designed ‘slides’ of information, for either automatic or manual display on the Video Scoreboard/Replay Screen, as appropriate to the match situation (which is why some buttons are inactive in the above screenshot). These slides are automatically updated as ball-by-ball scoring data is entered, so can be shown whenever they are required. However, by selecting the Main + Events button many slides will be automatically shown for 15 seconds when scoring data is entered, for example the Dismissal slide will automatically display when a wicket is scored. Automatically displayed slides can also be manually re-selected before the next ball is scored by clicking its respective button and will be displayed until Main + Events (or any other button) is re-selected. In addition, as Screen Activations for Fours, Sixes, and Wickets (see below) are only triggered on Main + Events, this is the recommended setting for the Replay Screen Control.

The following sections explain the Key Features of the Replay Screen Control panel and its Various Sections of buttons, some of which are also available via the Main Scoreboard -> Settings (top-right) menu, under the Slide option for quicker access, i.e.:



Key Features

These Key Features require some pre-match setup, or in the case of Video Highlights some post-session/match work, hence they are presented first. Please also note that these Key Features, and the Image and Video dropdowns listed in the Various Sections of the Replay Screen Control panel section, require a Replay Screen licence, so users with just a Video Scoreboard licence will not have access to these features. Both licences, however, have access to all other slides (minus the Image and Video dropdowns) on the Replay Screen Control panel’s Various Sections, as listed in the next section. Finally, users will also need a Video Highlights or Live Streaming licence to be able to access the Video Replays and Video Highlights features, and the latter licence for the Video -> Live Stream slide to display this on the Replay Screen.

Screen Activations

Static (.png or .jpg) or animated (.mp4) Screen Activations can be added for Fours, Sixes, and Wickets, so that these files are automatically displayed – if the Main + Events button is selected – when the scoring data is entered. These files should be loaded pre-match by going to the Replay Screen Control -> Settings cog (top-right) menu, select Open Media Library, then add the required files to this folder. Then select Replay Screen Control -> Settings -> Refresh Media Library Lists (or close and re-open PCS Pro/NV Play PCS) so that these files can be selected, after ticking the Enable checkbox for each required activation, from the dropdown lists in the Replay Screen Control -> Settings -> Screen Activation Settings dialog box:



If the current user does not have permissions to the default Media Library folder, then the Custom Media File -> Browse option can be used to select the required activation file. The Image Display Duration is the number of seconds a static activation will be displayed, while an animated activation will be displayed for the duration of the file. In both cases, a Wicket Activation will be immediately followed by the Dismissal slide for its usual 15 seconds.  

If ball clips are being captured on the computer outputting to the Video Scoreboard/Replay Screen, then these can be included in these Screen Activations, by simply ticking the Show Video Replay if available checkboxes. In this scenario, the Media Library Item/Custom Media File will play first, followed by the ball clip as a video replay (if available in time), and then the Dismissal slide if it is a Wicket Activation.

NB: While it is technically possible to use ball clips captured and uploaded on another computer and then downloaded onto the Video Scoreboard/Replay Screen computer as Video Replays in Screen Activations, it is impractical to do so because of the time it takes to upload and download the ball clips; the activation will finish before the ball clip is available.

Video Replays

However, ball clips captured on another computer can be downloaded onto the Video Scoreboard/Replay Screen computer and played as Video Replays during pauses in play or at the end of an over. To do this, go to the Tools -> Configuration -> Clipping tab, tick the Cloud Sync Options -> Live Video Download and Highlights Only (4s, 6s, Milestones, Wickets, and Key Moments) checkboxes. This will ensure that these ball clips are downloaded immediately and can therefore be played as Video Replays as soon as possible by selecting the Replay Screen Control -> Last Ball Clip button. If this cannot be done before the next ball is scored, then highlight the required ball in the Ball by Ball panel and click the Selected Ball Clip button. In both scenarios, the Main Scoreboard will return to the previous selection/Main + Events as soon as the Video Replay is finished. However, this can be done sooner by manually clicking another button/slide, e.g. if the bowler begins to deliver the next ball and the scoreboard/screen needs to be static.  

NB: Obviously, if the computer being used to capture ball clips is also outputting to the Video Scoreboard/Replay Screen, then this upload/download process is bypassed, and Video Replays can be played much more quickly.

Video Highlights

A Video Highlights package can be played during breaks in play, such as at Lunch, Tea, Innings Break, Rain/Bad Light, or even before play in a multi-day match. Use the Video -> Video Packages -> Generate Highlights Package feature as normal to create the package, then from the Create Package dropdown select Play on Replay Screen. The Replay Screen Control -> Package button will become active at this point, and then highlighted once the package has been rendered and begins playing. The Create Package -> Save Video function can be used to save a package into the Media Library folder and then played as required via the Video dropdown and Show button process (see below).


Various Sections

As above, both Video Scoreboard and Replay Screen licenced users will see all the following buttons/slides except for those related to Video, unless they also have a Video Highlights or Live Streaming licence, and only Replay Screen licenced users will see the Image and Video dropdown menus.




The Main Scoreboard preview panel and various slides will default to the current innings, but to display information related to a previous innings use the Innings dropdown to select the required innings, then the relevant button(s) for the respective slides. For example, a Batter’s Stats slide might be required for a centurion from the previous innings as the players leave the field for lunch after only a few overs of the current innings, but don’t forget to change the Innings dropdown back to the current innings when play resumes! Please also note that some slides will not be available when in a previous innings, because the data is not available or would be nonsensical, e.g. all Target slides.


  • Main – shows the key information to be displayed during play (fixed, so until other slides are manually selected)
  • Main + Events – shows the key information to be displayed during play plus the automatic display of other slides (for 15 seconds) and Screen Activations as scoring data is entered.
  • Limited Over Main – shows the key information to be displayed during play but with all bowlers, by shirt number, and their respective number of overs bowled.
  • Limited Over Main + Events – shows the key information to be displayed during play but with all bowlers, by shirt number, and their respective number of overs bowled plus the automatic display of other slides (for 15 seconds) and Screen Activations as scoring data is entered.
  • Auto (Once) – shows an automated sequence of slides, 15 seconds each, for use during short breaks in play, e.g. a Drinks break, and once completed the display will return to the previous selection
  • Auto (Repeat) – shows an automated sequence of slides, 15 seconds each, for use during longer breaks in play, e.g. a Lunch break, and will continue on repeat until another slide is manually selected
  • Overlay (Mixing Desk) – outputs an L-shaped overlay of scoreboard data for mixing with live television/streaming video feed, advertising assets, player profiles, public announcements, etc. This option is only available when the Screen Type is set to Large and PCS Pro/NV Play PCS is outputting to a screen/event presentation mixing desk.


  • Batting – shows a full batting innings card, split into two if the Screen Type is anything but Large
  • FOW – shows a full Fall of Wicket card, split into two if the Screen Type is anything but Large
  • Bowling – shows a full bowling analysis card, split into two if the Screen Type is anything but Large
  • Batting + Bowling – shows a full batting innings and bowling analysis card, side-by-side. Only available if the Screen Type is set to Large


  • Partnership – shows the details for the urrent Partnership
  • Innings – shows the Innings scores for all innings in the match to date (including the current innings)
  • Summary – shows the current match Summary with best batting and bowling performances in each innings
  • Teams – shows the two Team lists side-by-side
  • Teams + Officials – if available, shows the match Officials underneath the two Team lists
  • Toss – shows which team won the Toss and what they decided to do
  • Result – shows the match Result at the end of the match


  • Target Balls – shows various target information in Balls Remaining terms
  • Target Overs – shows various target information in Overs Remaining terms
  • Target – shows the key target information of Runs to Win and Balls Remaining only
  • Comparison – shows the score Comparison of the two teams at the current point
  • DLS – shows the DLS Par Scores for each ball of the current over

NB: Obviously, Target slides are only available in the last innings of a match, and Comparison and DLS slides only in the last innings of a two innings match


  • Last Ball Clip – replays the ball clip for the previous delivery
  • Selected Ball Clip – replays the ball clip for the delivery selected in the Ball by Ball panel
  • Package – becomes active when a highlights package begins rendering and highlighted when the package begins playing
  • Live Stream – shows the active live stream on the replay screen

Events 1

  • Maiden – shows a Maiden Over message and the bowler’s figures
  • Wicket Maiden – shows a Wicket Maiden message and the bowler’s figures
  • Dismissal – shows the batter’s dismissal information and their basic innings stats

Events 2

  • Hattrick Ball – shows that the bowler is on a Hat-Trick for the next delivery, and their current figures
  • Hattrick – shows that the bowler just took a Hat-Trick (will show after the Dismissal slide), and their current figures
  • Double Hattrick – shows that the bowler just took a Double Hat-Trick (will show after the Dismissal slide), and their current figures


  • Batter – shows the batter has just reached 50, 100, 150 runs, etc, and their basic innings stats
  • Bowler – shows the bowler has just reached 5 or 10 wickets, and their current figures
  • Innings – shows the batting team has just reached 50, 100, 150 runs, etc, and the Overs and Minutes taken
  • Partnership – shows the current partnership has just reached 50, 100, 150 runs, etc, the number of runs scored by each batter in the partnership, and the Overs and Minutes taken           


  • Ball Speed – shows the speeds for each ball in the current over, if the speed radar data is available


  • Blank – reverts the output to a full black screen, e.g. while scoring error are corrected
  • Clock – shows the current time, e.g. before play or during breaks for players and spectators          
  • Break – shows the break type selected under Play State and the current time
  • Resumption – shows the current time and the time play will resume after the current break          
  • Countdown – shows the time remaining until play will resume, and the resumption time, after the current break

Dropdown Menus

  • History – allows previous Milestone (Batter, Bowler, Innings, and Partnership) slides to be re-selected
  • Batters – allows dismissed and not out batter’s Batter’s Stats slides to be displayed at any time
  • Bowlers – allows all bowler’s Bowler’s Figures slides to be displayed at any time
  • Image – allows static (.jpg or .png) advertising, sponsor, or player/team/club promotional files previously added to the Media Library folder (see above re Screen Activations) to be displayed at any time
  • Video – allows animated (.mp4) advertising, sponsor, or player/team/club promotional files previously added to the Media Library folder (see above re Screen Activations) to be displayed at any time

Select the required slide or file and then click the adjacent Show button. Re-select the previous slide selection (i.e., Main + Events), or a new one, to finish displaying the selected slide or file from these dropdown menus.

Custom Messages

  • Single – displays the entered message on one line of text, vertically centered
  • Double – displays the entered message on two lines of text, vertically centered
  • Video Baseline – displays the entered message on one line of text, along the bottom (this should only be used in conjunction with live video via a mixing desk – see above)

To increase or decrease the font size on a Custom Message, open the Main Scoreboard -> Settings cog (top-right) -> Screen Settings dialog and adjust the corresponding Single, Double, or Baseline font sizes as required and click Save. If required, tick the Include Clock checkbox to include the current time in a Single or Double Custom Message, which will also show any break and resumption time, if applicable. Click the Show Message button to display any Custom Message, then re-select the previous slide selection (i.e., Main + Events), or a new one, to finish displaying the selected message.  




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