When an innings reaches its natural end, either because all batsmen have been dismissed, the maximum number of overs have been bowled (as set in the Match Type), or the target (including Revised Target) has been reached, an End of Innings (and match, if it is the last innings), prompt will automatically appear, e.g.:
Click Yes to end the innings and enter an Innings Break (if not the last innings), and use Edit as usual make any corrections, or click No to complete these edits first, then end the innings manually by going to Scoring -> End Innings or Play Control -> Play State -> End of Innings and selecting All Out, End of Overs, or Target Reached, e.g.:
Also end an innings manually if there has been a Declaration, Forfeit or, if bad weather or a lack of time remaining to produce a result in a four innings match means that the match has been ended early, use Play Called Off, even if it is not the last innings of the match (this will automatically tick the End Match checkbox). Tick the Start Next Innings checkbox if the next innings is be created immediately, rather than when the umpires and players return to the field. Note that in the second innings of a two innings match Start Next Innings is replaced with the Start Super Over checkbox, which will only become active if super overs are included in the Match Type and the regular match has ended in a tie, but tick this to create the first super over innings immediately on clicking Save:
To delete an innings created too early, or to un-end an innings ended too soon, click the Play Control -> Undo button to receive either of these prompts, and select Yes:
If an innings has been ended and the next created (but with no balls scored), clicking Undo will result in the Delete Innings prompt, then Yes will produce this prompt:
Select Yes, click Undo again, the Unend Innings prompt will appear, so select Yes to re-open the initial innings.
Please also watch the following video that demonstrates how to end an innings and a match: